Wednesday, 22 April 2015


Mahatma Gandhi had said, “English is a language of international commerce, it is the language of diplomacy and it contains many a rich literary treasure; it gives us an introduction to western thought and culture.”

Today  is English Language Day and also commemorates William Shakespeare’s birth anniversary.  

The appropriate use of language and communication is the basis for success in virtually every domain of human activity, from politics, to business, to all areas of work, even to personal and family life. There are uncountable languages in this world. Every country has its own national language. There are different local languages spoken and understood by people in different regions.

English is by far the world’s most important language in terms of international business and trade, intellectual activity, technological and scientific advances, social trends, and popular culture.

English language is the dominant language of international communication and with increasing globalisation, it is important to have a refined understanding of the nature and structure of English and how we communicate with each other. An understanding of the various dimensions of language and communication will give you the ability to communicate more effectively in this complex, globalised world.

English is the chief language in the Indian education system today. All the prestigious schools and colleges use English as their medium of instruction. Today, careers in the field of science and technology, business and commerce require a good knowledge of English. Most of the works in the field of space, nuclear technology, medicine etc. are available only in English. The vocabulary and terminology used in these are available in English. Therefore, English has become a passport of getting a good job not only in India but also abroad in almost all fields.

Being fluent in a second language clearly demonstrates a powerful brain and reflects someone who has put in the huge amount of time, resources and commitment needed to master another language. No matter what combination of languages you speak, adding English to your CV will be particularly useful. English is an incredibly useful language to learn because so many countries speak it. English skills are just as desirable to employers in your own country as they are to employers in English-speaking countries. 

English is widely regarded as the language of higher education. Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and MIT are just a few of the famous universities that occupy the lofty heights of the top of the world education league tables, and you’ll need to speak English fluently for access to any of these, as they’re all English-speaking.

Did you know that 55% of the world’s webpages are written in English? Knowledge of English therefore allows you to tap into far more of the world’s intellectual resources.

Generally, English is used among Indians as a ‘link’ language and it is the first language for many well-educated Indians. It is also the second language for many who speak more than one language in India. The English language is a tie that helps bind the many segments of our society together. Also, it is a linguistic bridge between the major countries of the world and India.

English has special national status in India. It has a special place in the parliament, judiciary, broadcasting, journalism, and in the education system. The language permeates daily life. It is unavoidable and is always expected, especially in the cities.

A positive attitude to English as a national language is essential to the integration of people into Indian society. Using English you will become a citizen of the world almost naturally. India is, without a doubt, committed to English as a national language. The impact of English is not only continuing but increasing.

When he said that “Language is not a genetic gift, it is a social gift” Nelson Mandela was of the opinion that “Learning a new language is becoming a member of the club -the community of speakers of that language.”

Our dear students must try to understand and appreciate the importance and status of English Language and strive to be able to use it flawlessly.